
Developmental Feature

This is a developmental feature, which is not yet released. These features might change or disappear during further development.

Visible Energy (developmental feature)

In the original game, energy simply transferred instantly from one body to another. This proposal gives substance to energy transfer, and to any energy on the landscape that is not committed to an object.

Free energy (as we now call it) appears as particles. There are about 100 [this may change] of these per 'tree unit' of energy.


When the player or Sentries absorb energy, it appears as a particle stream, and takes a little time to reach its target. The same goes for the creation of objects.

If energy breaks out of a particle stream, it is independent, and can be picked up by any other object close enough - or it can just bobble around on the landscape.

Free = uncertain!

Free energy is susceptible to being intercepted while it is in transit.