Key Reference
These keys will help you control the game. Hints about these keys display in the game.
Control your experience
Esc | Show New Game and Configuration options |
F4 | Show or hide hints |
F1 | Show another hint |
F3 | Set anti-aliasing mode |
Alt + F4 | Exit Zenith immediately |
U | U-turn |
Cursor keys ← → ↑ ↓ | Turn camera. Use with Ctrl for fine control. |
I | Zoom in. Use with Ctrl for fine control. |
O | Zoom out. Use with Ctrl for fine control. |
M | Show or hide the map |
F2 | Save a PNG screenshot to Zenith program folder |
Q | Transfer, or exit landscape when on the Sentinel's pedestal. |
H | Hyperjump. Moves to a lower square. |
1, T | Create a tree, costs 1 energy unit |
2, B | Create a boulder, costs 2 energy |
3, R | Create a synthoid Shell, costs 3 energy |
A, Space | Absorb the object under your cursor to gain energy |
Debug and cheat
F9 | Show or hide the command console |