Use the command console to automate game configuration, run commands in response to game events, or cheat.
Press F9 to open the console. Command Reference lists all the commands.
To display the Command Console window, press F9 while playing. To pause the game, press ESC in the game window.
Type commands into the input at the bottom of the console.
Zenith can run scripts, which are text files in the scripts subfolder where Zenith is stored. Scripts have one command per line, with no flow control.
Run scripts with the RUN or EXECUTE command, followed by the filename of the script. Scripts can run other scripts, but take care to avoid 'circular references'.
The game runs these scripts at game events:
HELP | [ COMMANDS | DETAIL | <command name> ] List commands and their parameters. |
CLS | Clear the console display. |
FONT | [ NAME <font name> | SIZE <point size> ] Set the font name or size. With no parameters, display the current font settings. |
TYPE | <filename> Display a text file in the console. If filenames contain spaces, enclose them in double quotes. |
ECHO, ! | <text> Show text in the console. Text having spaces should be enclosed in double quotes. |
LOG | [ CLEAR | SAVE <filename> | 0 | 1 | 2 ]
KEYS | Show game controls. |
EXECUTE, RUN | <filename> Run a list of commands in a script, from a text file. <filename> includes the extension. |
NEW | Start a new game, on a new landscape. |
EXIT | Close Zenith, with no confirmation. |
CHEAT | [ 0 | 1 | OFF | ON ] With no parameters, display the current cheat setting. |
PLAYER | [ <player number> [ ENERGY <level> ] ] Show player information, or set the energy level for a player. |
GETHEIGHT | [ <x>, <z> [ , <x2>, <z2> ] ] Show heights of landscape points. |
LANDSCAPE | [ SCANNERS { 0 | 1 | 2 | OFF | ON | ALL } ] With no parameters, show landscape statistics, scanners, and players. SCANNERS options activate or deactivate scanners. |
ALLOCATION | Views the game's maximum usage of static allocatable capacity. |
PERFORMANCE | [ RES | FPS | AA [Default|NONE|2x|2xHQ|4x|4xHQ] | SLEEP [0|1|OFF|ON] ] With no parameters supplied, all information is shown.
PREFERENCES | <option>, <value> |
Preferences options and values
S_DIFFICULTY | Set the Difficulty slider, <value> = 0..100. |
S_DIFFVARIATION | Set the Variation slider, <value> = 0..100. |
S_LANDSCAPERANDOM | When <value> is ON or 1, a completely different landscape is used every game (changing the landscape-generation seed every game). OFF or 0 uses a similar landscape for each game. |
S_LANDSCAPENUMBER | <seed> = landscape code. Used with Difficulty to generate a landscape. |
S_GAMESPEED | A <value> above 1 results in faster sentry movement; below 1 results a slower movement. |
S_SENTRYSPEED | A <value> above 1 results in faster sentry movement; below 1 results a slower movement. |
S_SCANSPEED | A <value> above 1 results in a faster sentry scanning; below 1 results a slower scanning. |
S_SCANSECTOR | A <value> above 1 results in wider scan secotrs when sentries scan; below 1 results in narrower scanning sectors. |
S_RESOURCES | A <value> above 1 results more tree resources on a landscape; below 1 results less trees. |
C_REVERSEHORIZONTAL | When <value> is ON or 1, the horizontal direction of mouse look is reversed. |
C_REVERSEVERTICAL | When <value> is ON or 1, the vertical direction of mouse look is reversed. |
C_REVERSEZOOM | When <value> is ON or 1, the direction of the zoom (mouse wheel) is reversed. |
C_LOCKCURSOR | When <value> is ON or 1, the cursor remains in the same place on the screen when mouse look is used. |
C_SENSITIVITY | <value> = 0..100. Larger values turns the camera more with mouse look. |
C_SHOWHINTS | When <value> is ON or 1, the hints panel is shown. |
You might say that it ceases to be an easter egg if it's documented - of course, we haven't listed all of them!
SPECIAL | [ DARK <value> ] Darken the landscape. <value> is the visible distance, for example 0.1. The Sentinel and Sentries can still see you. |