Scoring and Timing
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To achieve a higher score:

  • Clear the minefield
  • Leave cells untested
  • Use no lifelines
  • Finishing quickly in timed games

Difficult games can win you higher scores and bonuses. Your score is remembered in the High Scores table, whether the game ends successfully or in failure.


In the New game box, you can select whether or not to play a timed game. If your game is timed:

  • If your game is not timed, the clock will start at 00:00, and increase as you play. You can take as long as you like to complete the puzzle, without affecting the score or the outcome of the game.
  • If your game is timed, then the clock gives you a time to begin with, e.g. 02:13 = 2 minutes, 13 seconds (for fast games, the clock will give you less time). As you play, the clock counts down. When the clock reaches 00:00, the minefield blows up, and the game ends in failure. Note that by playing quickly, you can add time to the clock, and increase your chances of winning.

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