

After downloading Crossmines, you will have a self-installing program named Crossmines.exe.


Just run it by double-clicking.

The Crossmines installer will begin, and tell you what it is doing. If you want to go with the standard setup (recommended), just click Next > until the installer is finished.

Start Menu Option

You have the option of un-ticking the Start Menu Shortcuts, if you don't want the shortcuts installed. It is recommended that you leave this item ticked.

Start Menu Option

Just press the Next > button to continue to the next page.

Choose where to install Crossmines

If you want to change this location, you may do so here.

Next, press the Install button to continue through the installation.

Choose where to install Crossmines

Starting Crossmines

Just click on the Start menu, All Programs, comp-sci, Crossmines, then the Crossmines application.


To create a desktop icon, you can right-drag (right-click and drag) the Crossmines application icon to the desktop, and select 'copy here' from the pop-up menu.