Unified field

Author's note

We led you here under false pretences!

We have proposed[15] that there is no unified field (as it is defined in quantum mechanics) that handles charge and gravitation on the same basis. For extra controversy, we wrote this in a paper in a volume entitled, "Unified Field Mechanics".

The context of a unified field

We proposed a deterministic mechanism, where the system is a set of isomorphic entities, that have a trigger for localisation. Some entities are conserved by collapsing repeatedly within the same locality - what we call "matter". However, an instance of this collapsed matter, a fermion, we compose using two bosonic components. These bosons, whose propagation defines time (thereby always propagating at light speed), can be thought of as 'partial matter in flight', and we propose that the vacuum is 'filled' with a flux of these bosons.

This flux can be interpreted as gravitational or charge-based, but only at a classical scale, where the deterministic mechanism emerges into concepts like 'conserved particles' and 'fields' only through statistics that lose a lot of information about the originating process.

It is helpful to think of this in terms of:

  • The vacuum interacting with a conserved particle.
  • The flux that was re-emitted incoherently by a nearby massive body (gravitation).
  • The flux that was re-emitted coherently by a nearby massive body (charge / electromagnetism)
[15] J.S. Valentine, Minimal Deterministic Physicality Applied to Cosmology, Unified Field Mechanics: pp. 477-492, World Scientific, DOI: 10.1142/9789814719063_0048 (2014), https://johnvalentine.co.uk/po8/Valentine-2014-AppCosmo.pdf. [15]

Unification and inclusion

Our mechanism implicitly includes gravitation and charge-based forces (weak, strong, electric), without explicitly formulating them into abstract dimensions. Likewise, quanta are not inherently ‘electric’, ‘magnetic’, nor ‘gravitational’; their observed effect depends on the context and attribution of quanta to their structured sources.

  1. Unification of fermions and bosons in the same basis; defines dualities.
  2. Unification of known forces in a common mechanism; gravitation not unified as a field, but is accountable.
  3. Inclusive of difficult situations like black holes, red-blue-shifting, effective UV limits, singularities, and QCD.