Paper: 2024-1 Simulation

My work defines sub-physical interactions for quanta, with wide emergent coverage. Systems are self-generating and the deterministic mechanism is constitution-invariant.

Emergent Vacuum, Gravitation, and Standard Model Structure from Deterministic Mechanics

John S Valentine, 2024-03-15 preprint 1.9


We created a simulation using mechanics from Valentine and demonstrated an emergent process for gravitation. In this interim report, we describe quantum propagation from the perspective of uniqueness, and a framework for emergent physicality with the detail of standard model phenomena at all energies. In this framework, we show vacuum structure and its effects on matter, spontaneous symmetry breaking with the weak interaction, intrinsic Higgs mechanism, asymptotic freedom, charge, fermion flavors and their decays, gravitation, matter-antimatter asymmetry, and a basis for classical observation. We describe simulation methodology, parameters, design decisions, initial results, and expectations.

Cite as

J.S. Valentine, Emergent Vacuum, Gravitation, and Standard Model Structure from Deterministic Mechanics, (2024), https://johnvalentine.co.uk/po8/Valentine-2024-sim-preprint-v1.pdf. [16]