Weak interaction


Symmetry-breaking mechanism

Rather than considering the weak interaction as a distinct field, we identify it as the possible changes in the potential of the expanding shell.

The weak interaction occurs with the first interaction after a fermion event, where a wave of the fermion interacts with an external wave and collapses their bosons. The remaining boson on the shell continues to propagate, with both wave phases active.

Spontaneous symmetry breaking

The mechanism is deterministic, so this symmetry-breaking is neither random nor spontaneous. Given complete information about the system, we can calculate the collapse event for SSB.

Standard Model bosons

Component waves of Z and W bosons are spread over all bosons in the shell, and the waves may collapse independently to change the potential.

Fig.1: W boson.

Fig.2: Z boson.

Fig.3: Goldstone/Higgs.

The W± bosons are the two available waves from fermion A, with non-identical phases, and mass-energy that induces interactions with other bosons.

The Z boson is the excluded output of fermion A. By rule 3, “waves having the same phase and source are excluded from interactions”, which screens the Z boson until fermion B, which is a vacuum interaction with a non-excluded wave from fermion A. After B, the two entangled waves from A are available as one boson.

A Goldstone boson is all waves output from a fermion. For example, for first-generation fermions, two of the four waves are non-excluded at any given time, until both its bosons are collapsed, resembling the doublet of the scalar Higgs field.

Weak interaction

The weak interaction is the first interaction after a fermion event, where a wave on the shell collapses an external wave and therefore the wave’s boson. The remaining boson on the shell continues to propagate, with both wave phases active.

The change of mass-energy on the shell (its potential) is the weak interaction.

Modulation acts independently for each wave, so mass-energy values are not associative, cannot be added, accumulated, nor canceled. Instead, we apply positive and negative modulations from the shell (Table 1), to each wave of any overlapping boson.

BosonWaveEmittedOption 1Option 2

Table 1: On-shell mass-energy ρ, to modulate other bosons.

For homogenous weak-broken vacuum bosons, we can assume positive and negative mass magnitudes are identical. The pre–weak-broken function is:

[ ρ1, ρ2 ] [ ρvac, ρvac ]

and the post–weak-broken function is either:

[ ρ2, ρ2 ] [ ρvac, ρvac ]


[ ρ1, ρ1 ] [ ρvac, ρvac ]

Doublet techniques for degeneracy and spontaneous symmetry breaking are useful here. We expect to use this mechanism to derive quark masses and CKM and PMNS matrices from (A, B) mass parameters.