John Valentine
Surge: Grand Piano

Grand Piano improves and simplifies my earlier pianos.

Use this sound for free

  • The synth plugin (Surge XT) is free and open source, available as VST, AU, and CLAP, for many platforms.
  • My patches are free, released under a maximally permissive CC0 licence. You can donate to support this work.

Play the patch

In the Surge XT patch browser, select John Valentine > Keys > Grand Piano.

  • Play it like a piano. It responds to velocity and sustain pedal.
  • Adjust Dynamics and other macros, to suit your performance and mix.
  • If you perform live, and your CPU can't handle enough polyphony (24 or more is ideal), then set the Scene mode to Single, and play just Scene A.

Configure the patch

Use the macro controls in the UI of Surge XT, or map your controller to use CCs 41−48. By default, my Sticky Fingers touchscreen web app has keyboards and macro sliders for Surge XT over MIDI.

MacroMIDI CCNameDescription
141BrightnessAffects filters, resonance, exciters, and attack profile.
242DynamicsChanges the loudness of quiet notes. Use this to quickly adapt the instrument to fuller arrangements or your playing style.
343HammerControls how much the hammer sound contributes to the overall sound, similar in effect to placing microphones closer to the hammers. It also affects how the string is excited, and how the power dissipates.
444SoundboardA delayed resonance from the soundboard that adds volume to the sound.
545Ring decay lengthLets the strings ring for longer when sustained.
646CompressionUses a waveshaper with compensations, to introduce harmonic distortion to the strings.
747BodySelectively mutes higher frequencies, emphasizes others, and allows some broad-spectrum resonance as if the piano lid is closed.
848ReverbControls room ambience and some of the ring-out characteristics. You might want to reduce this to zero and use your own reverb.

Customize the patch

  • To make the piano more sonorous, increase the Mix or Size of the AW FX.

More demos

Also in the mix: Cello, Contra Bass.