Introduction and Download

Crossmines is one of the best advancements of Minesweeper ever created. ... completely tears up any strategy a player may have hoped of carrying over from the original game.

Play the 'classic minesweeper' game, or choose Crossmines variations for deeper puzzles. Here, cells have different shapes, and can link with other cells.

If you're a casual player or a puzzle enthusiast, try Crossmines.

Crossmines screenshot

Crossmines, with
holes and shaped cells

What makes Crossmines different?

Crossmines changes the gameplay, so you have to keep thinking to win.

  • Variations: holes, linked cells, and shaped cells.
  • A high score challenge table, shows games like your game settings. Challenge a score by selecting it.
  • Play a timed game where the minefield explodes when the clock reaches zero.
  • To play 'hex', 'triangular', or other minesweeper games, select a pattern. Combine these patterns with other game options. You can also create your own patterns.


In New game, select a Quick Setting 1 to 10 to play balanced variations. You can also configure you own game.

Levels 1 and 2

When you first play Crossmines (Level 1), you'll play a regular minesweeper board.

Level 2 looks a bit more difficult: the minefield is bigger, and there are more mines, which makes deduction a bit more difficult. Here, you're still playing the regular minesweeper game.

Level 3

At Level 3 introduces holes, which do not contain mines and cannot be tested.

Levels 4 and 5

With shaped cells, cells are larger and have more neighbours. Shapes make you think more carefully about what surrounds them.

Level 6

Linked cells connect with another cells to become one cell. When you see a '3' in a linked cell, you need to find a total of three cells containing mines around all those linked cells.

Levels 7 and beyond

Later levels crank up the difficulty. You can also tweak New game settings.